A couple of sad things and I moved the piano

I just have to say that I just moved the piano all by myself across the room. I need to say this because my husband is failing to show the correct level of enthusiasm for my feat of strength. It’s a damn heavy piano.

And the sad, SAD things. Our tivo died. We’ve had it for a month. A replacement was supposed to be here today and, darn it UPS, it’s not. If I miss another episode of Alias, I’m going to lose it. This is Alias we’re talking about. Hmmm. Maybe I’ll just stay home from Youth Group so I won’t miss it…..

And the most saddest thing of all. Perhaps the saddest thing in the ENTIRE WORLD…my hair stylist moved to ARIZONA. I’m going to die. If it was closer than ARIZONA, I’d drive to her. But that is like two whole states away. I just can’t believe she would do this to me. If I would have known that the last good hair cut I got was going to be my LAST GOOD HAIRCUT, I would have savored it more. I would have video taped it, so I could enjoy it for all eternity. My poor, poor hair. It’s SO doomed. I need to take pictures of myself now because it’s all down hill from here. I will never look this cute again. How could she do this to me??

Finally, I finished my herringbone scarf. I just have to say that I love size 35US needles.

herringbone knit scarf manos del uruguay

Notice my hair. *snif, snif*

herringbone knit scarf manos del uruguay

Category: hair 8 comments »

8 Responses to “A couple of sad things and I moved the piano”

  1. Joelene

    Yeah! It is finished. Funny that we picked the same stitch and green yarn for our scarfs! I am sad for your hair too. And I know you don’t want to hear this but it is really getting long:(

  2. LeAnne

    Good thing that you at least have photos of The Last Great Haircut. Take them around when you go find The New Hairdresser. Oh and GOOD FOR YOU on the piano move! Yeah!

  3. JILL

    Go to my sis… she’s opened a new Spa and Salon in town called INNOVATIONS – on Patterson by Mauch. I took her a pic of my hair cut and I’m so proud of her… it’s identical. She’s a bit pricey but it’s worth it for an AWESOME hair cut as you know!

  4. Sarah

    Is it too late for your hair lady to recommend someone to you? I feel your pain.

  5. TulsaOkie

    Long time lurker, coming out to say, I think you are absolutely beautiful!! I can see where your children get their adorable-ness from (is that even a word?). I love the scarf too. Green is my favorite color. It matches your eyes perfectly!

  6. Brooke

    And I thought you were Superwoman before?! I am truly in awe that you move that piano alone. Jim really should be more impressed…remember he and Brian couldn’t move it together for the Fiesta — Or maybe they just didn’t want to, and now we know their secret!!! I also know how upsetting it must be to loose your stylist, just when you found a good one! You know that I still recommed MaryAnn 100%. Any way keep up the amazing work you Extra Ordinary SUPER Woman!!

  7. Brooke

    Oh yeah– I recorded Alias if you need it!

  8. Kari

    I’m very sad myself. You see, this beautiful girl recommended a fabulous stylist who happened to move to Arizona after allowing me only one haircut. I felt desparate for a cut and didn’t know where to go, so I listened to my husband who said, “Try Cost Cutters or Great Clips.” Let me just say that Great Clips does not deserve to have Great in their name AT ALL. Now I’m back to square one because the “stylist” took all of the style out of my hair. And I was making such progress…

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