Category: yarn store


June 29th, 2006 — 9:19am

Over the last week or so, I’ve been trying to get some models done for the store. This is hard, because my yarn hasn’t come in yet. Luckily, I have my trusty stash to turn to. (Any suggestions of great patterns would be very welcome at this point!)

Here is a scarf that I will be teaching. The construction slightly different from the scarf in Loop d Loop.

Knit from Fiesta La Luz 100% silk.
curly scarf - la luz

And I finished another pair of Victorian Wristlets (PDF). These are made out of Cascade Pima Silk, but in the future I think I will prefer Cascade Pima Tencel. It’s a little more sturdy, a little more shiny and a little softer.

cabled victorian wristlets

Next up on my list? I think maybe the baby sweater from Knitting for Two. It is so freaking cute. I guess this means that my Ms. Marigold is on hold for a bit. But that’s ok.

3 comments » | knitting, yarn store

some things

June 28th, 2006 — 9:20am

I whipped up these teeny little socks out of a sample of yarn that I’m going to be carrying. Aren’t they so cute? And I LOVE the yarn. mmmm… handdyed superwash merino.

itty bitty socks!

Thank you all for answering my questions and your suggestions. To answer some questions, I will be selling online, I will ship to Canada and I will let you know when the website gets up and running (which should be very soon!)

I met with the Cascade rep today, it was nice to see all the new stuff out there. I also got samples in yesterday for Southwest Trading Company, gotta love the soy silk… Buying all this yarn is making me very happy!!!

9 comments » | knitting, yarn store

the big news

June 26th, 2006 — 1:55pm

I’m opening up a yarn store!

My boss at the store I’ve been working for has decided to close the store. And this just makes it the perfect opportunity for me to open up my own store. I will be staying in the same place (a block from the house baybee!) ordering in a whole new stock, and yeah… owning a yarn store. I’ve got things all worked out so the kids are only away from me for two days a week (like it is now) and I’ll still be at the store as much as I need to be. And of course this means FREE YARN. What could be better than that?

Needless to say, things have been crazy around here. I haven’t even looked at Bloglines for over a week. But everything is falling into place. I’m still a little scared, but mostly excited. I’ll have a lot more details to come, but in the meantime, I could use your help. I want to know:
What would your ideal yarn store be like?
What are some cool things you’ve seen your local yarn store do?
What are things you’ve disliked in a yarn store?
What is your favorite yarn? Your favorite needle? Favorite book/pattern?



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