Archive for August 4th, 2004


August 4th, 2004 — 9:23am

For the past several months, Jim and I have been helping out with our church youth group. The youth group is going to Denver on Friday, where they will attend a Rockies game. Saturday they will go to Waterworld and then travel on to home. Somehow, I’m not really sure how (but Jim and some fish and chips were involved), I have been roped into “sponsoring” this trip. This all means that I will be leaving my baby with Jim for about 30 hours. This is my baby who is addicted to my boobs!
I’ve been pumping as much as I can, but the problem with that is that Honor always wants to nurse therefore, I can’t pump.
Anyway, it should be interesting. I think I will have a lot of fun and a break will be nice. I’m also glad that Jim will be doing my job for a whole 30 hours. He may have a deeper appreciation of me when this is all said and done.
The only sad part about traveling to Denver is that I won’t have a chance to shop at the Childrens Place. I have gotten the greatest clothes there for Eden. I guess that we’ll have to plan another trip soon.

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