Archive for September 29th, 2004

My baby is 1 year old

September 29th, 2004 — 1:38pm

Yesterday was Honor’s first birthday. I can’t believe that it has already been a year. Just in time for his birthday, he started walking so he spent his day toddling around.

He wasn’t sure wat to think of everyone singing him “Happy Birthday” the whole time he just looked at everyone wide eyed.

I made him a robot cake which proved to be VERY frusterating. I got the idea from a friend on glitter.

I tried using fondant to ice the cake, but the stuff is the most horrid stuff I’ve ever tasted (aside from the little minnow I ate in Africa, but that’s another story.) So I ended up sending Jennifer to the store to buy some powdered sugar at the last minute so I could ice the cake with buttercream frosting. I used the fontant to decorate the cake, but I’m really frusterated that I spent $18 on fondant (this was because our wonderful local paper, the Daily Sentinel, neglected to enclose the Michaels ad containing the 40% off coupon. grr.)

Honor REALLY enjoyed the cake, I think it’s the most sugar he’s ever had. Ever.

So onto his presents…
Cars, Cars and more Cars. But, what more could a one year old boy want?

Here I am with my two little stinkers.

All the kiddos enjoying cake.

One last thing I’d like to say… really this party was a celebration that I made it to one my kids first birthday NOT pregnant!!

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