Archive for November 2004

The first step is admiting you have a problem

November 16th, 2004 — 7:39pm

Jim swears that I have a disease. But how could you call loving to knit a disease? I try to tell him that my yarn stash is really modest compared to most hard core knitters, but he just doesn’t believe me.

Today I went out to Palisade to visit my friend Melissa and while I was out there, I thought, “Why not stop at the yarn store?” No harm in that. This is what I brought home.

Today's stash 11.16.04

Just a small amount of yarn. Nothing to start calling me an addict over or anything.

I’m excited because the grey and brown (well not really brown, more like purply/browny/greyish) on the right are for my Ribby Cardi, which I can’t wait to get started on! And the green is for my So Called Scarf. Thge black is for my cousin Leann’s poncho.

I’ve got a LOT of knitting ahead of me, yay!

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Titty Tat

November 14th, 2004 — 6:51pm

I can’t believe it has taken me this long to figure out that if I let the cat in I can get at least 30 minutes with out somebody coming up to me and holding a box of raisins saying “Uh, Uh”. How did I not figure this out before? Think of the peace I could have been enjoying? The kids are in love with the little animal, although I don’t think the feeling is mutual. He’d rather have nothing, at all, to do with them (but isn’t that typical cat behavior anyway?)

When I think of the way Eden says cat (tat), I’m reminded of a story my Aunt tells. She was visiting a friends house one day with my then small cousins. David, the youngest, was under 2 years old. He was really enjoying playing with the cats when he went up to the lady and said, “I wike your titties.” There was a moment of stunned silence before my Aunt jumped in and said, “Your CATS, your CATS, he likes your CATS!”

Because I’ve discovered the joys of the cat, Honor has learned another word. Now he says “Kitty” to add to his massive vocabulary. Yes he’s learning at an exponential rate. He now says “Dog” and “Kitty”. THATS IT. We’re going to have to get more animals if we want him to keep talking.

edit 11/15: Last night we let the Kitty sleep in the house because it was so cold. I thought Eden would really like having him sleep in her bed, so I put him in there. She woke up some time in the night and came into our room to excitedly tell me that the kitty was in her bed. Some time later I woke up to the suffocating smell of kitty poop. I tracked it to our closet and let me tell you, the kitty poop gods smiled on me last night. The cat had diarrhaea, BUT he managed to poop right on an empty Old Navy bag sitting on our closet floor. Nothing AT ALL got on the carpet. Such luck!

Needless to say, the cat doesn’t get to sleep in any more.

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Works in progress

November 12th, 2004 — 11:17am

A little update on what I’m working on. The Frida Poncho is coming slowly but surely. I’ve got about 7 more rows until I’m finished with the first panel.

I’ve started on another dooce scarf and it’s coming along.

Dooce scarf in progress

I’ve also got on the back burner this great scarf.
pretending sanity scarf: Red with black eyelash

I’ve received some interest in my knitting prices, so I decided to go ahead and price everything. This is a trial run as far as prices go, so bear with me. I don’t want to kill myself for this, but I also don’t want it to be too expensive. Just keep in mind that a lot of these products are wool and they are hand made. :)

You can find my prices and knitted work on the pretending sanity knits page.

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For Sale

November 11th, 2004 — 1:18pm

I’ve been really busy buliding a website for the local yarn store (yay trade!) so I think it will be awhile before I get a shopping cart set up with my knitted goods for sale.
I’ve had a few people email me who were interested and I’ve bid out those scarves on a case by case basis. So if anyone else is interested in buying some of my knitting, just send me an email. I hope to have the shopping cart up by the beginning of the year.

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Ugg Booties

November 8th, 2004 — 10:51pm

Check out these Ugg booties. I’m going to knit some for Eden, they will be perfect for slippers.
I found this pattern via Action Hero Knitting

On the kid front, I think that Eden is finished with her naps. Today she took a fabulous nap, but right now it is 10:53pm and she is awake. And not only awake, but dancing around the house singing a song. (Speaking of Eden’s imagination, today she decided that she and Honor were going to take a trip to the “arn” store. I’m so proud.) It’s a wonder she didn’t wake Honor up; the little punk turned the light on in their room! It just seems like two years old is too young to cut out naps. (And mom I know what you’re thinking. I do not deserve this. It’s not my fault that I didn’t/don’t like naps.) I will continue to make her lay down for at least an hour a day. I need at least an hour of quiet so I don’t loose my mind.

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My so called scarf

November 7th, 2004 — 5:53pm

I stumbled across this knitting blog last night and found this great scarf. And I thought, “I’ve only made one scarf for myself. How can that be? I need more scarves.” I’m hoping that I can find this yarn at my lys, because I really like this scarf exactly as is.

My so called scarf

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November 6th, 2004 — 5:30pm

Today was the first Saturday in a long time that it hasn’t rained, so Jim (and Eden) took the opportunity to rake leaves. Being the two year old that she is, Eden had to help. (For those of you who don’t have the pleasure of having a two year old, I’ll enlighten you on their activities. There are two things that a two year old does and you can never know which one to expect. They can either be throwing a fit or wanting to “help”. That’s it. I can’t even tell you which is worse.)

Jim and Eden raking leaves.

Eden had a hard time figuring out that the leaves were supposed to go in the street, not on the lawn. They were going in the street because our city actually does something cool for it’s residents. All fall long we have a leaf pick up. I can’t imagine what a pain it would be to have to bag all the leaves.


Eden raking leaves.

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Odds and ends

November 4th, 2004 — 2:08pm

I need to knit this Ribby Cardi Pattern! Isn’t it so fabulous? I love the colors and everything.

Today at Target we found the coolest thing for $1: a dvd containing 8 full length episodes of Gumby. For ONE DOLLAR! As I type, my little movie-aholic is indulging.

I also started on a new scarf for my cousin Alyssa. The yarn is a pain in the butt to knit with, but just look at it. How could I not use it?

WIP - pink squiggle scarf

And finally, for those of you who have asked, I’m working on prices for my scarves. I’m trying to come up with a way to make it affordable for you, but worth my time. If anyone has any suggestions on prices, I’m open to them.

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My vote counted, self portrait

November 2nd, 2004 — 3:35pm

My vote counted, self protrait

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I’m a dooce-lebrity!

November 2nd, 2004 — 3:20pm

Imagine my excitement when I got an email from a friend telling me that my knitting was on I feel so honored, Dooce has been referred to as the “Queen of all bloggers”. Not to mention what this has done for my web stats. In the last 24 hours, I’ve had over two THOUSAND hits. I knew that people loved Dooce (how could you not?) but WOW.

So I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has stopped by, I know that I’ll never be as cool as Dooce, but maybe half as cool? While I don’t have a pop tart loving dog to dress up, I do get to fish many, many, many things out of the toilet. Afterall, sticking my BARE HAND in an icy bowl of toilet water to retrieve the beloved toy dog has got to count for something.

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