Archive for September 26th, 2005

The problem with having a smart kid

September 26th, 2005 — 7:41am

Awhile back, before Honor really talked much, Eden had taken to saying “Rocky Butt.” No one knows were she got it, but she said it about 100 times a day. The frequency of this is partly my fault, because whenever Eden would say it, Honor would repeat it and it was just so dern cute…

After hearing our little chorus of “Rocky Butt”, oh, a million times, Jim decided that it wasn’t cute anymore and told Eden that she needed some new material. “Why is it always ‘Rocky Butt?’ Why not ‘Rocky Toe?’ Or ‘Rocky Nose?'” He said. So somehow she has taken to saying “Rocky Dude.” Everyone is a “Rocky Dude.”

But now that we’ve broken her of saying “butt” every other word, she’s not saying anything that’s potentially embarrassing to us and she had to come up with a new one. So Jim informed me the other day, what Eden’s new phrase is. It’s a phrase that I’m ashamed to admit, must be straight from my mouth, “Freakin’ Dork.” So I asked her about it, “Eden do you say ‘Freakin’ Dork?'” And she tells me, “No, Honor says it to himself.” She’s smart that one.

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menu – week of September 26, 2005

September 26th, 2005 — 6:45am

Chicken and rice

Chicken Salad Taverna

leftovers or Subway

Chicken Curry and then Honor’s birthday cake.

Spaghetti and meatballs

Jim’s going to be out of town, so it’s fend for yourself or like, popcorn, for dinner.

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