Archive for January 7th, 2007

2006 year in review

January 7th, 2007 — 7:08pm

Better late than never, my year in review. I think all I really have to say about 2006 is that I potty trained Honor, but just incase you wanted more info: (I have to say, I can’t believe how much the kids have changed over the past year. Just one year ago, Honor was still sleeping in a crib and Eden BARELY had any hair!)

-We attempted to let Honor sleep without the walls of his crib.
-Eden went through a stubborn streak. In an attempt to get her to say things (like her memory verse and “thank you”) we bribed her with a $40 groovy girl car.
-Honor started carrying around collections of small toys that he called his treasures.
-I was accused of being a bad mom by the lady at the fabric store.
-We had the carpet cleaned. It lasted 3 days.

-I took the kids to our friends farm to see the baby pigs.
-Honor started wearing orthodics in his shoes and a fabric brace on his leg in hopes to straighten out his foot.
-Eden turned 4.
-I went to Stitches West in California with my friend Joelene.
-So began my drama with Bresnan cable service.
-I got a Nikon D50 camera!

-Honor got sick and puked for the first time. He really hates puking.
-We started potty training Honor. We were dumb.
-lots and lots of knitting projects were finished and I released my first knitting pattern for sale.
-I won an ipod nano from Blingo
-We adopted a 3 month old beagle and this website got a fresh, new look.

-I had an abscessed tooth and the worst pain of my life. 2 root canals and countless dr’s visits later, I had much less money.
-Honor plus potty training puppy = mad mommy
-Honor’s fascination with bugs began
-Eden’s hair was finally long enough to pull up into an itty bitty pony tail
-Jim turned 31
-Eden learned how to knit

-Eden got her ears pierced
-The yarn store I worked for moved to a location close to my house.
-Honor started wearing big boy underwear. I did a lot of laundry.
-We had to officially ban the “b” word (butt) from our vocabulary.
-Honor smeared the contents of his diaper all over the kids bedroom carpet. Twice. I ripped it out and painted their bedroom floor.
-A real starbucks opened, I emailed them because they wouldnt make my drink. They make my drink now.

-months of potty training started to kick in. For his reward, Honor was allowed to say the “b” word – just once.
-We took a nice trip over the mountains to Denver. The trip that is hereby referred to as the one where we went over the mountains and Eden was sick.
-The yarn store that I worked and taught for decided to close. I decided to open up my own store in it’s place.
-The kids took swimming lessons.

-We went camping with some dear friends in the rain for the 4th of July.
-I was busy, busy, busy creating my first ever newsletter for Tangle, ordering yarn, purchasing furniture, painting…
-The neighbors ginormous tree fell down, missing our house and theirs too. phew!
-Eden went to Wyoming with my mom to visit my Grandma. Her first trip away from me. We both survived just fine.
-I filled up the hard drive on my computer.
-Eden pulled a shopping cart containing Honor and two wooden chairs onto herself. We all survived that too.

-Tangle opened for business.
-Because I was working full time and the kids were being watched by various family members and friends, I began enjoying my time away from the kids. And felt guilty about it too.
-Honor CUT up a handknit sock scissors. He’s banned from scissors for life.
-Eden learned about the perils of country music.

-I turned 25, Honor turned 3
-We spent some much needed time up in the mountains. We even took the dog with us.
-Eden began declaring to everyone, “Daddy Cheated.” At monopoly Eden, at monopoly.
-Potty training really started to sink in. Honor celebrated with a trip to Chuck E Cheese.
-Jim and I both worked our asses off. (too bad not literally….)

-I experienced a slew of migraines.
-Jim and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary in Glenwood Springs.
-Joelene came for a visit and we had a fantastic time.
-Honor had an ear infection.
-I had the joy of pulling glued down, puppy urine soaked carpet up from the cement stairs leading down to our basement.
-Jim spent some time visiting his sister.
-Honor was officially potty trained.

-I finished my Hourglass Sweater. I love it
-I took my first ever road trip by myself to help someone who needed me. It was VERY hard on me.
-We celebrated Thanksgiving with a wonderful family.
-I pre-launched the website for Tangle, which took up SO much of my time.
-Eden began showing a real interest in Bible stories. She quotes just about any story you can think of.
-Jim formed 5 marketing group. As if we needed another business to run.

-I had a busy month at Tangle.
-We celebrated Hanukkah.
-I started taking Sam-E for depression.
-One of my dearest students at the yarn store was given a very limited time to survive bone cancer.
-We went sledding.
-Jim took the month off from playing the guitar at church.
-Honor became very difficult to deal with, throwing fits and disobeying every chance he got.
-We celebrated the new year’s arrival with most of our closest friends, happy to see 2006 behind us.

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