Archive for June 11th, 2007


June 11th, 2007 — 2:53pm

I just finished cutting Honor’s hair. It’s been long overdue, but I’ve been putting it off because it’s always such a traumatic experience. I tried a new technique today though. Bribery. I told him that if he didn’t throw a fit during his hair cut, that we’d go buy a transformer. Everything was going great when the clippers stopped working. I had Jim come take a look at them, he got them working and I proceeded to shave a huge spot out of the side of Honor’s head. OOOPS, I forgot to put the attachment back on the clippers.

Of course that couldn’t have felt good, so Honor started crying, I kept saying, “OH, NO!” (bad idea) and that was the end of the peaceful haircut. And now, the poor kid is sporting a very short cut. I feel like such a ding-dong.

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product review: American Greetings

June 11th, 2007 — 2:49pm

Awhile back, American Greetings sent me a sample pack of their spring line of greeting cards to review. I was given a variety of Mothers Day cards, Birthday cards and just because cards.

Overall, I liked the cards, although I found a few of them to be a little too sappy for me. The graphics were modern and clean and there were also cards of varying sizes. (I always go for the odd sized cards.) My favorite card was one that says “You get me” on the front and in the inside it says, “…and it’s good to be gotten.”

I will/have used most of the cards. But my biggest complaint with these and all card companies is that during mothers/fathers days it’s difficult to find cards for parents who, say, aren’t your very best friends. There are a few people in our lives that we’d like to honor on their respective days, but don’t want to lie and say, “You’re the GREATEST parent ever!!!”. Something with a simple, “Happy Mothers/Fathers Day” would be great.

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