Archive for July 28th, 2011

Reboot Days 2 & 3

July 28th, 2011 — 4:22pm

V 27 juice

Day two was a little better than day 1. I woke up feeling nauseous but that subsided by mid-morning. I made the V28 juice which I think was supposed to be similar to V8, but it wasn’t very good – kind of tasted like dirt. By the end of the day I had a little energy and felt ok. The cravings weren’t too bad and Danielle and I went on a 1.5mile walk. She is a day ahead of me and was down 4.5lbs by day 3. I don’t have a scale and haven’t been to the gym to see what my loss results (if any) are.

Day three was rough. I woke up in the middle of the night with strong anxiety and a sense of dread about the fast. In the morning I woke up nauseous again. The anxiety came back off and on throughout the day (which isn’t normal for me at all) and by the end of the night I had really low blood sugar and felt terrible even though I was either eating or drinking something every few hours. I seriously considered quitting the fast. The cravings were gone, but the fruits and vegetables didn’t seem like enough to sustain me through out the day.

The v28 has been the only recipe from the site that I haven’t liked so far. I’m thankful that I love all veggies and I did LOVE the seaweed salad:
Seaweed salad

1 cup Soaked Arame Seaweed
2 Tbsp Flax Oil
1 Avocado
1 Tomato
1/4 Red Onion, finely chopped
1 Carrot, chopped or shredded
Parsley, finely chopped
Fresh Lemon Juice
Sea Salt
Dash of Cayenne

Add all ingredients together in bowl, mix and enjoy.

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