Archive for December 20th, 2011

Twenty Bucks

December 20th, 2011 — 4:13pm

Yesterday, after school, I took the kids to Target, gave them each 20 bucks with instructions to purchase gifts for me and each other, and turned them loose. They zipped through the store, very excited, and turned up at the cash registers to purchase their gifts, handing me back the leftover change. When we got home they locked themselves in their rooms to wrap their purchases.

Honor’s looked like this:

Honor wrapped the gifts he chose for Eden and I

So cute…
I’m so interested to see what they bought!

I’ve gone back and forth over if we would do stockings this year, but finally decided that we couldn’t pass up the fun. When I started thinking about having the children purchase gifts for the other members of our family, I decided that, yes, we were going to do stockings. I feel like it’s so important for them to realize that it’s not just about what they get, but about loving other people by giving them gifts too. And I want to teach them to be really intentional and thoughtful about the gifts they give.

Target shopping day will definitely be a tradition we keep up every year.

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