Archive for August 14th, 2012


August 14th, 2012 — 3:39pm

Summer comes to an end this week. The kids head back to school on Monday and with their departure, the routine returns. I’m never really sad to see summer go because I’m such a fall girl. And even though this summer has been the very best of my life, I’m still ready for what’s next. I’ve never been one to hang onto what was… there’s something about the unknown of the future that always has me hungry for what it will bring.

Fall will bring new things, some foreseen and some unknown. I know I have a lot of work ahead of me, but this summer brought about a change in the way I work on things. I think I’ve learned to divert energy in ways I never have before. And I’ve learned, as I have many times before, that I can accomplish huge things if I just tell myself I can.

Fall will bring boots and scarves and hot americanos, campfires and soup and leaves (oh, how I love the leaves.) Fall is a time to slow down and settle in, but it’s also such a great time to gather together. If summer is about playing, fall will be about bonding. I’ll turn 31 (which may be the first birthday I’m dreading just a little) and I’ll see the 1 year anniversary of my divorce. Gosh what LIFE I’ve lived since that day last October! Honor will turn 9 and we will have pumpkin carving parties and costumes and pie (oh, glorious pie!). I’ll run in the rain and bake acorn squash, watch broncos games and knit sweaters for all the kids in my life.

The seasons are about to change and I’m ready. I think there are special things in store for me this fall and even though the summer healed me in ways unexplainable, my soul is just ready for fall.

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