Archive for June 3rd, 2013

We had a baby

June 3rd, 2013 — 4:43pm

Memorial Day is the day that Brian joined our community last year. I remember this because we invited him over as we all sat up on the roof watching the Juco fireworks. This year, on Memorial Day, baby Elliott joined our community. He came after 28 difficult hours of labor, making his entrance as his mother always does – fashionably late. I was honored and lucky to get to be with Seth and Carrie at the hospital while she labored and delivered. Carrie was a rockstar, laboring WAY longer that I ever had to.

Carrie and Seth keep talking about how great I was during her labor. But I did what they would have done for me. I was just there. And I helped however I could. (And really, I think it’s because I finally said, after 24 hours of labor, “I think you should get an epidural.”) The thing is, that’s what it means to be family, staying up all night if we have to, to get through whatever comes.


I can’t imagine Elliott coming into the world without me, just as I can’t imagine going through my divorce without Carrie. We’re so lucky to have each other.

That’s what these last few months have been showing me: Family doesn’t have to be blood and I have LOTS of family who would be there for me as much as I would be there for them (which is always). I have all of the things that I’ve longed for all of my life, they just look a little different than I thought they would.

Welcome to the world, baby Elliott. You’ve got a great, big family who’s so excited to know you.

Today, we had a baby. @carringtonschaeffer @hoptocopter #elliottandrew
Elliott was a whopping 8lbs! We can’t believe he fit into Carrie’s tiny 5 foot frame!


Gettin my fix.

"I'm going to tickle you and call you weird names...I'm the new Carrie."

First meeting. #siblings

How can a girl not get a little melty over this? #notthatiwantmore #butstill

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