Archive for January 9th, 2014


January 9th, 2014 — 3:45pm

I’ve never been a big “New Year’s Resolutions” kind of girl. But last year didn’t leave me feeling very successful. I think I finished it smack-dab in the middle of a bunch of lessons and healing, so this year I decided to write out some goals for 2014.

Overall, I plan to work to make 2014 much happier. Part of that is trusting where I need to. That means trusting those who’ve earned it and trusting God that whatever happens, he has good things for me. I should remember this by now. I’ve lived through so many bad things and come out on the other side so thankful, I should remember it. Here’s how I plan to do this:

Be present. Wherever I am. I don’t want to get so caught up in where I’m going next that I forget to enjoy where I am now.

Focus on what’s good rather than what’s bad. Look for the positive in everything. This doesn’t come naturally to me.

Take better care of myself.
-eat lunch
-drink water (I barely drink any!)
-exercise more
-eat more whole foods
-don’t pursue rejection (I do this. It’s dumb. I don’t know why other than it’s really familiar and we all gravitate to the familiar.)
-alone time (This is something I have to be intentional about because it DEFINITELY doesn’t come naturally to me.)

Pursue work that feeds my soul. Creativity feeds my soul.

Do not invest in selfishness. In myself or in others.

Remember that being a mother is another full time job. It’s ok that this is true.

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