Todays project

Todays project

Originally uploaded by pretendingsanity

I bought this chandelier yesterday at a local good will-type store. Im removing all the glass and im going to paint and rewire it. Im really excited to get it in the kitchen! I think its going to be so cute over the sink.

Category: daily 6 comments »

6 Responses to “Todays project”

  1. Jill

    adorable- I love it!

  2. Brooke

    I really like it! Can’t wait to see it finished!

  3. Tonya

    You’ll have to show us a picture once it’s up!

  4. lori

    ooohh, totally cute!

  5. Cher

    You are SOOOOO artistic and creative – much like the guitar player I heard this morning at church – fantastic solo(s) particularly the the second one.

  6. Cher

    You are SOOOOO artistic and creative – much like the guitar player I heard this morning at church – fantastic solo(s) particularly the the second one.

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