still alive

So I’ve made it nearly a month without a word. Not much to say still but I thought I’d catch you up with some photos.

We spent some time outdoors whenever the weather decided to cooperate with us.

she picks out her own clothes

can you see me?

um, what?

cheesy grin

soooo grumpy

honory at the park

riding her scooter

I finished my quilt.

My quilt

I attended a tea party with some of my girls.


tea sandwiches

place setting

chocolate cheese cake

Tangle has been totally crazy. We just got in the Amy Butler bags.

Moss olive

And Jim has been playing shows several times a week.

Jim and the pineapple crackers

Will life ever return to normal? Not sure anymore what normal is, but I’ll be happy with a bit slower.

Category: daily 3 comments »

3 Responses to “still alive”

  1. LeAnne

    Okay, your hair! I love it. I’m trying to get mine like that. I don’t know WHAT to say to my hairdresser to get it cut like that. Give me some terminology! I have hair that’s long enough…

  2. Judy Wilson

    I read your blog everyday–and I’ve missed it!
    Love the pictures–your kids are getting so BIG! Looks like a good time was had. Keep us updated when you can. You are a busy woman!

  3. Gina

    missed you! glad to see you are having fun.

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