found: a deodorant that works

You may not know this about me, but I’ve been on this quest for a deodorant that doesn’t have aluminum, isn’t an antiperspirant and actually works. Apparently, that’s really too much to ask!

I have so many tubes of deodorant that don’t work stacked up in my bathroom cabinet… and because it’s hard to find a woman’s deodorant that isn’t an antiperspirant, I even considered switching to men’s. Just what I’ve always wanted to smell like…old spice!

But I’m happy to announce that I’ve finally found something amazing! I read about this deodorant in ReadyMade magazine and had to try it. This stuff has worked through me running 5k’s, I’ve never noticed myself being stinky at the gym or any time since I’ve started using it. Needless to say, I’m completely sold.

It’s definitely different than any kind I’ve tried. It’s a cream that comes in a pot and has to be applied with your fingers. (Which doesn’t bother me at all.) There are powders in the cream so it goes on a little gritty, but I’ve never noticed the grit after it’s been applied. The best part is that it smells amazing.

Deoderant Cream by Soapwalla Kitchen

Category: favorite things 3 comments »

3 Responses to “found: a deodorant that works”

  1. StaceyKnitsIt

    Thanks for your post! Just now purchased one. I’ve been feeling the same way recently. Sounds great.
    Take care!

  2. StaceyKnitsIt

    I also told her I found her product through your post with a blog link. :)
    I found a DTC11 discount code for $1.00 off too.

  3. Brooke

    I MUST try it… I have some but the minute I sweat, I stink!

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