Cleanse update

Yesterday was the official last day of my cleanse. I didn’t end up following the diet very well because my blood sugar couldn’t handle it. By day five all I could do was lay on the couch – my body was begging for protein. So I gradually started adding beans and lean proteins in. By the end of the cleanse, I was eating low-fat dairy, lean meats, beans, nuts, fruits and vegetables. The diet without any proteins was undoable for me, but with the proteins it was totally doable and I plan to continue on it. In the last 15 days, I’ve lost 5lbs. Which is a feat for my body that likes to hang onto every ounce.

I think the 5 day fruits and veggies only was a great way to get myself off sugar and junk foods and back onto a better eating plan. I feel healthy and energetic and am finally not craving grains.

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One Response to “Cleanse update”

  1. Daph

    So glad you shared about this! I watched the documentary based on your post, and it was pretty powerful — I’m considering doing this myself. Did you have a particular juice blend/recipe that was your favorite?

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