Hug my Shrug

I finished my magknits shrug. The pattern had some mistakes, so email me if you are going to make it so I can tell you what they are. I wasn’t sure if I was going to like a shrug or not, especially since Jim thinks it’s dorky. (Trust me, if I went off of his fashion sense, who knows what I’d look like.) But I like it quite a bit. It’s really comfy, I just used a soft acrylic from Evil Walmart so it only cost me $6.00, and it knit up pretty fast.

my hug shrug


shrug back

Category: knitting 4 comments »

4 Responses to “Hug my Shrug”

  1. JILL

    WOW – look at you miss skinny. You look FAB!!! I love you with brown hair. You’re just lookin’ smokin’ lately!

  2. LeAnne

    Exactly what you said about husbands and their fashion sense. If my husband had his way, I’d still be wearing preppy. I’m doing my kids’ bathroom this week with the circles. We picked hot orange and bright lime green!!

  3. melissa

    aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh…husbands…..if MINE had HIS way…I’ld either be nekkid, or wearing clothing that matches…anyhoo….just wanted to say that I like the shrug…I just may have to make one…after I finish up with my knitted animal kick I am on (well I am on hiatus from it due to Christmas and the after holiday sickness, but I will be going back to it soon)
    what else did I want to say???? oh…is it odd that it amuses me that you have “things from the crapper” under the weekly menu???? <–the placement cracks me up…please don’t ever move it.
    <3 me

  4. Christa

    Cute shrug, and cute haircut! I’ve wanted to crochet a shrug for awhile but all the patterns look grandma-ey-esque. And I’m not down enough to pull off the grandma style, you know.

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