
So, it’s official. We moved out of our office yesterday. It’s the begininning of a lot of great changes for our business, but I’m still SO SAD. I really loved our office. We spent so much time (and money) working on it, not to mention that our rent was NOTHING compared to any other place in town. And it was mere blocks from our house. The new office is across town.

Why did we move? We’re merging our business with another company in town. This company offers video production and some graphic work. With the merger, our combined businesses will now be able to offer a total marketing package, web design, graphic design, television commercial and radio commercial. There are many other benefits, but I don’t need to bother you all with the boring details.

I just miss our office.

the office

the office

Category: daily 5 comments »

5 Responses to “sadness”

  1. kelly

    Best wishes! Remember it’s a happy sad :)

  2. kelly

    I’m going to make your potato soup tonight, would a turkey kielbasa work as smoked turkey?

  3. Lactivist

    Oh, I hate moving! I hope your new office starts to give you a homey, warm and fuzzy feeling right away. And congratulations on the merger ~ I am sure it can only mean great things for your business!

  4. kelly

    The soup was pretty YUM, thanks :)


  5. Uta

    Hi, I’ve been watching your site for a couple of months. Its really great! As for your move – change is good!

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