So, so smart

Today, after getting back from our bike ride (yep, in January it is nice enough to go on a bike ride, ahhh, the joys of living in Colorado) I was lounging on the couch when Eden was looking at the clock collection. She pointed to the number four and said, “mom, that’s 4″. I asked her, “Who told you that?” And she said, “Dora.”

I guess all those countless days I’ve had “backpack, backpack” stuck in my head have been worth it. She is one sharp kiddo.

I also wanted to thank you all for your kind and encouraging comments. They’ve really meant SO much to me. I can’t say how much I enjoy this website and the “community” that you’ve all made it into. I count it as one of the great things in my life.

Category: Eden 4 comments »

4 Responses to “So, so smart”

  1. Leann

    You are so, so lucky Allison. Look at all the people behind you, backing you all of the way. You know why? Because you deserve it. You are a good mother and friend, and you deserve the good things said to you.
    I just manage to screw everything possible good thing in my life up. Then I wonder why I am so lonely and why I have no one to give me support.
    I’m just so sick of the bad stuff. When will something good happen? Gosh, I am starting to sound like my mother, aren’t I?
    Well, I hope you will email me.

  2. Lactivist

    Too cute! Isn’t it amazing how they learn stuff even when we don’t *try* to teach them? I swear, I worry about the same stuff you do. I should be teaching my 3 yr old how to write his name or teaching my 5 year old to color inside of the lines. *sigh* But past experience has shown me that even if I don’t make an effort to teach them things, somehow they manage to learn it anyhow. Go figure! LOL Besides, I’ve pretty much figured out that Barney, Blue and the Rescue Heroes can teach them something 10 times faster than I ever could, lol.

  3. Chelsea_Belle

    Kids are just the most amazing little sponges….they just soak everything in!

  4. Kate

    First of all, I think from what I have read that you are doing a great job with your kids! I don’t have any yet…but can’t wait! I think no matter what we do, or how we do it, there will always be a critic or two waiting in the wings to shoot us down, I think the key is to expect that they will always be there no matter what we do, and just try our best to not let it get to us…and I love your weekly menu, that is a very cool idea, your recipes are awesome!

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