The trip to the park in which nobody will look at the camera

Yesterday it was nice enough to go to the park. Guess what the first thing Honor did when we got there? He licked it! Gross!! And so typical.

So there’s not much more to say, Honor licked the park, Eden wouldn’t look at the camera. Knock your self out.
Eden at the park

honor at the park

Eden at the park

honor at the park

And another thing.
I’ve crocheted together three scarves so far and I’m a little disappointed in the finished product. I knew they were going to be eclectic, but this is even a little too eclectic for me.

finished swap scarf modeled

Don’t get me wrong, I love ALL of your squares. I’ve enjoyed SO much seeing everybody’s handiwork, it has been so fun for me to open the mail each day and look through all the amazing squares. My friend Brooke suggested next time we go with a theme like black and white or a similar texture so there is a little more uniformity.

finished swap scarf up close

SOOOO, here’s my question for you, my fellow scarf swapees: If you think you’ll wear the scarf, I’ll be HAPPY to crochet them together for you. If you’d rather turn the squares into, say a pillow, or something, I’ll just save myself the time and send them to you as is. What do you think?

Category: Eden, Honor 9 comments »

9 Responses to “The trip to the park in which nobody will look at the camera”

  1. Maryrose

    go ahead and mail them back to me I will do something with them.

  2. Lactivist

    I knew the scarves were going to be basically, one big unattractive modge-podge of greatness! LOL So, I’d really like a scarf. I probably won’t ever wear it but it will be a keepsake for me :)

    (And Eden *is* looking at the camera, woohoo!)

  3. KB

    adorable kiddies!!

  4. Sarah E.

    Hey, a pillow is a GREAT idea! I think that might be the way to go on this. I can make a pillow cases for my throw pillows on my couch.

    I’ll look forward to the next Scarf swap, too!

  5. Sarah E.

    By the way, BOY does Honor look like you!

  6. Nadia

    I would actually like a scarf as well. I know it will be crazy but I don’t mind. Besides, if you send the squares back to me they will sit here and nothing will get done with them!

  7. Charity

    I’m with Nadia and Lactivist, if it’s not too big a pain for you I’d love to have the scarf. I kinda like interesting and quirky conversation starters like it will look. :-) Plus, I’d probably leave them sitting in a corner for a project later and not touch them again till 2010 if I tried making a pillow out of them. Hope that’s ok!

    Thanks again for doing this – it’s so fun! I look forward to participating in something again sometime. :-)

  8. pretendingsanity

    definitely, I’m totally happy to do it.

  9. Dawn (glass_princess)

    I’d like a scarf in all its funkiness! I too would probably have a pile of pieces that would never get touched. I hope it isn’t any trouble doing that.

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