
My friend Sarah had her baby boy yesterday. 8lbs 7 oz. Congratulations Kevin and Sarah!

Today is going to be a wild day. I’m so sad that I won’t be able to make it up to the hospital to see the new baby. Since Jim’s gone, I have no one to watch the kiddos while I run up there. I’ll have to wait till he comes home. boo. But today is going to be so crazy, I don’t know when I’d get to go visit anyway.

I have to be at the church at 9am. Now to most people 9am, is not a big deal. To me it is. Well, to just me, it’s not. To me with Eden and Honor it is a big deal. By 7am we have to be up. I have to throw both of them into the shower with me. It will be a huge ordeal in which I chase at least one naked kid through the house with the lotion bottle.

Then I have to try to do my hair. I’ve got to lock myself in the bathroom so somebody doesn’t get pushed onto the curling iron again. During that time, at least one, probably two children will be banging on the door. Or one will be getting into my makeup while the other spills cereal all over the kitchen floor. No, wait. The same one will get into my makeup and then go spill cereal all over the kitchen floor while the other one bangs on the door telling me about said childs cereal spilling.

After that I’ll have to do my makeup. This will take some time because first I will have to locate my make up. My eyeshadow and powder will have rolled under the bed. My new super lengthening mascara (well talk about my eyelash fetish another time) will be in the huge decorative pot in the hallway. And probably I will find my eyeliner in the bottom of the heating duct. (You think I’m joking. I’m not.)

Are you starting to see why 9am is freaking early?

Anyway, the reason why I’m going to (try my hardest to) be there at 9am is because we’re giving away free pizza to the nearby high schoolers during lunch. We’ve got to get there early to make the signs we will hold up to direct the high schoolers to the pizza.

After all this, I’ve got to do all my regular youth group stuff… planning games, etc. I’m tired just thinking about it. And also, maybe because it’s 12:44 am… I need to go to bed. Keep your fingers crossed that I don’t find myself at 8am arm deep in the heating duct, sifting through the lint gathered in the bottom, trying to find my eyeliner.

Category: daily 4 comments »

4 Responses to “9am”

  1. Brooke

    You are Too much! I am cracking up reading about you attempting to be some where at 9:00 in the morning! LOL literally! I am so excited about Kevin and Sarah! CONGRATS — Finally! Good luck—by the way it’s 8:30 and I am envisioning you up to you arm pit in lint and dust bunnies! :)

  2. LeAnne

    Oh my God, I so remember those days. Something or other would be starting at 9, and I would totally begin laying out stuff the night before, packing the diaper bag, finding the second shoe…and it was usually for something like playgroup!!!

  3. Jasmine

    This was sucha funny entry I had to read it to my fiancé. Unfortunately he didn’t see the humour the way I did – I think I find your stuff so amusing because I know that’s totally going to be me in a few years! (And I can hardly wait.;) )

  4. artemis.sun

    Aww man. Your posts alternately crack me up and make me feel guilty, because I was a pretty rambuncious kid – and how my poor mother must have suffered!

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