Tea leaves

Honor has been up to his usual stinker self. His latest thing is to open up a box of tea bags and rip them open. He can find the biggest possible mess in ANYTHING. I made the mistake of leaving my empty tea cup by my bed and he managed to find it. He ripped open the wet tea bag and smeared it EVERYWHERE. What is it with this kid smearing things all over my bed? Until this stinker came along, I was sure I wanted to have 3 or 4 kids, now I’m wondering if I would survive four kids?

On the up side, he hasn’t had any more signs of asthma. He will go in for a follow up check up next week and we’ll see where the doctor wants to go from there.

Category: Honor, messes 4 comments »

4 Responses to “Tea leaves”

  1. looloo

    Honor and Emma should get together. The mess they make would be record breaking.

  2. Trish

    Hi Pretending Sanity! I found your site through Glitter (I’m PaTsyMareLLA), and just wanted to tell you that your kids are adorable!! Great pics! I also really enjoy your list of things you’ve fished out of the toilet. Priceless.

  3. KB

    Tell him not to mention the fun with tea leaves to the Myles or I’ll be in for it. Like I said they would have so much fun together. Can you imagine.

  4. LeAnne

    You so totally crack me up. That boy!!!! Oh my God. I’m sorry I laughed, but oh my God.

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