potty mouth

So Eden picked up a bad word. Tuesday after dance class, she was at my friends house (the one I trade baby-sitting with). They were all walking outside to play in the wading pool when Eden said “Oh, Sh*t.” My friend was shocked and thinking that she couldn’t possibly have heard right, she asked Eden to clarify. And yes, Eden, in fact, did cuss! My friend had a long talk with her and Eden had to sit in time out.

We also talked to Eden that night about saying bad words. She never admitted to us that she had said something. So when Jim had the kids down at the church during band practice, you can imagine his embarrassment when Eden was playing with the microphone and said her new word. (Luckily for Jim, the microphone was turned off!) He asked her, “What did you say?” and she immediately became sheepish.

The funny thing is that it’s a word we NEVER say. I mean, never, ever! If she was going around saying, “Oh, crap,” I’d take full responsibility for that. My mom always admonishes that Eden will say “ass” when we’re at church. I admit, there is a distinct possibility. But this word? It’s just not a word either of us ever say. We’ve been wracking our brains and we can’t come up with anyone/thing who could have taught Eden her new word.

I’m calking this one up to the joys of having a kid who’s too smart for her own good.

Category: Eden 6 comments »

6 Responses to “potty mouth”

  1. Allisone

    When my daughter was Eden’s age she said the same thing (and I was equally as puzzled). I washed her mouth out with Burts Bee’s tomato complexion soap. Okay, actually I just made her touch the bar to her tounge for a sec. It tasted really nasty – but wasn’t chemically scary.

    Recently I bought her some Burt’s Bees complexion soap for its intended purpose, since she is 10 yrs old now. She had a mini flashback when she smelled the soap – so I guess it was pretty effective :)

  2. elizabeth

    ya know mikey went thru the same thing, however he ended up going through every word in the book. we talked to him about it at first, explained that those were not nice words, and then realized that we really just had to ignore it.

    he ended up getting over it. in fact, he became the parent and yelled at us when we said a bad word. he ended up getting a lot of quarters that way.

  3. sarahgrace

    Oh dear! I’m not so good about watching myself around Drew, one day he’s going to say “D#$%n it!” But if he says any other words, I’m blaming it on my sailor of a mother! Ha ha….

  4. donna

    I can so relate. My son Cody (now 18 and dies each time I tell this story) was in the church christmas show he was eden’s age at the time. he feel off the stage during the shoe and yelled son of a b****. everyone started to look around for the parents of this child so I joined in and acted like I had no clue (which of course did not work as everyone knew us) so I know how you feel.

  5. Kari

    Maybe she learned it from Pastor Dave after he hit his thumb with a hammer. *wink wink* You know, since he always says you might hear a word you wouldn’t want to hear if he hit his thumb with a hammer. =)

  6. pretendingsanity » Honor tootie, Butt!

    […] Lately Honor has taken to tagging the word “Butt” onto the end of every sentence. Like, “I love you mommy, Butt!” “I don’t want to sit on the potty, Butt!” At first I figured, at least he’s not saying “ass” or something worse, but it’s gotten a little excessive and over the weekend Jim banned the use of the “B” word. […]

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