He may be ornery but he sure is loving

Honor told me yesterday that he was going poop, so I rushed him to the bathroom, pulled off his diaper and sat him on the toilet. We arrived just in time for the poop to plop into the toilet. And, after many congratulations, he was done. He hopped off and I wiped him. I flushed the toilet and as the poop swirled around the toilet, we waved bye bye to it. And in true Honor fashion, he air kissed the poop good bye. “Bye poo poo, mwah!”

Category: Honor 6 comments »

6 Responses to “He may be ornery but he sure is loving”

  1. looloo

    Nice to finally have something from Honor that you don’t have to fish out of the toilet!

    Way to go Honor!~

  2. LeAnne

    Congrats to The Man! Wow, he’s early huh!? Yay!

  3. Cara

    That’s so adorable…and I had the same thought, finally something you can actually flush down the toilet!

  4. sarahgrace

    Congratulations! I’m so proud of you both! Persistance and a smart kid, not that mine’s not smart, he’s just stubborn. Oh, and did I mention that I’m sooo jealous :)~

  5. kelli

    LOL. What a cutie air kissing it good bye! Diaper free is such a good thing. although Gianna is still in diapers. I remember how sweet it was when Hailee was potty trained. YAY HONOR!:0)

  6. Christa

    Yaaay, poopy in the toilet! :) That’s so awesome. And he is SOOOO adorable.

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