A pain in the…

I had intended to post pictures from our weekend camping trip, but I woke up this morning at 4:30am with a migraine. Luckily my medication worked this time and my head is feeling better, but I’m pretty sick to my stomach. I didn’t get a chance to grab my camera as I headed out the door, we were already 10 minutes late to Eden’s dance class. So I’m at the office now and I don’t really have much to say other than….


That’s all. There will be pics of camping tomorrow.

Category: daily One comment »

One Response to “A pain in the…”

  1. kelli

    I really feel your pain girl! I’ve had a headache almost every day since Gianna was born. Right in the front. I figure it’s either hormonal or stress related. I blame everything on hormones just because you can. Hope you feel better. Headaches are the worst:0(

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