Your blogs

I’d love for each of you to post the link to your blogs. Many of you don’t always post the link when you comment and I like to visit all of your sites. I’m going to build a page with all your links for easier browsing.

So send me your link!

(note: to cut down on spam, I have the comments set up so I have to approve comments that include links, so if it doesn’t show up right away, that’s why.)

Category: daily 11 comments »

11 Responses to “Your blogs”

  1. sarah

    I also have a blogpage at
    I’m not sure if you can access it if you’re not a xanga user. Maybe?
    Sarah Livesay

  2. Ginny

    Thanks for your post Jim, after reading so much about you it’s fun to hear from you. Don’t lose that spoon now, we know you’re prone to do that!
    My blog:

    Enjoy your “vacation”.

  3. loo

    c’est moi

  4. kelli

    My blog is . It was sweet your Husband and you swapped foor a week. Mine says he want’s to but I’m not sure he would really do it. Aaron always gets the wooden spoon out!

  5. JP

    Hope both of you are enjoying your week…”off?” Wondering if Jim is ready to go back to the office already… ;)


  6. Insane Moma Nurse

    oh, man. do i ever need some comic releif at this very moment. my hubbiy and kids are asleep and i, breastfeeding insane moma am at the copmuter pecking away. oh and did i mention…my hubs just started his own business. that’s why hes’s the sane one. i just walked out of a huge hospital today leaving behind the 401k and insurance and blahh blahh blahh. pardon my goo goo gaa gaa talk but my newsest baby is only 8 weeks old. and hes’ sleeping!!!and my hubbies asleep.. and my son and my daughter. see why i’m insane…oh, by the way do i have a choice because when all these people wake up.i’m gonna be in trouble.i can’t remeber which spoon is the right one for each of them. the pink one’s for my daughter, the blue ones for my son……and the golden spoon is for my hubs and i don’t know where my spoon is??????? why can’t i sleep? I’m also a registered nurse/mama/ wife/housekeeper….do i need to continue? now where did i put that spoon? uh, i think it’s at the hospital….i think i just might have to share my hubbies spoon since by morning i’ll be more sleep deprived and insane……i just hope he remebers where he put it.

  7. Keri

    Here’s my blog. It’s a little of everything, talks about mothering, politics, weird stuff I find on the web, rants about whatever bothers me right now and currently lots and lots of information about my illness du jour: a salivary gland stone.

  8. Keri

    Oops, see what pain pills and wicked antibiotics do to your brain? Here’s a link:

  9. KB

    I have a new sort of photo blog @

  10. kelli

    BTW, thanks for stopping by my blog!

  11. Jasmine

    My blog address is

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