Ask me some questions and I’ll try to tell you no lies

I thought that I’d open today up for questions about me. So ask away! I’ll post my answers here.

What is your ultimate goal for yourself?
Of course I’d get the hard question first. I want to live in the mountains of Colorado, like Ouray, Ridgeway or Telluride where we’ll possibly run a bed and breakfast. And definitely raise sheep for their wool so we can hand dye it, spin it and sell it and most importantly knit it. I want to live in a big farm house with a porch and a big area for a garden.

The biggest accomplishment of my life will be having well adjusted kids who love God and who are great parents and spouses themselves. If this is all I ever accomplish, I will die fulfilled.

What’s next on your knitting agenda and how big is your stash?
I think I’m going to dive into leg warmers. Also, aren’t these great thigh highs? I may just buy them instead of knit them tho…

I’m trying to focus my knitting on what I’m actually going to WEAR this fall and winter. I’m still formulating my “fashion” plan in my head, but that’s where I’m headed. I may also need to knit Eden a cute little wintery dress.

I think my stash is pretty modest, although Jim wouldn’t agree. I usually pick up lots of sugar and cream cotton when it’s on sale for dish cloths and small things for the kids. I’ve got some acrylic novelty yarn and am quickly using up my stash of wool. That’s about all. I need to make it bigger!

How did you and Jim come up with your kids names?
Jim came up with the name Honor when I was first pregnant with Eden. He’s ignoring me right now and won’t tell me how. Since we were pretty convinced that Eden was going to be a boy (even though we didn’t look during the ultrasound) we took our time finding a girl name, just as a back up you know. It was just a month or so before my due date and we were shopping at Target for diapers, onsies, things like that. The check out girls name was Eden and as we walked out of the store, we both looked at each other and said EDEN!

How did Jim propose?
It was August and Jim took me to Aspen. We walked around downtown, peeking in store windows and listening to the street musicians. We rode up the mountain in a gondola and walked around the top for awhile. They were building a fancy schmancy restaurant up on top and it was pretty cold. On our way down, Jim got on one knee and proposed. Even though I knew it was coming, it was still so perfect.

What’s your favorite thing to eat for dinner? Or if you don’t have one maybe just a few of your favorite foods?
Do you have a specialty meal that you make, that people love?

I have a hard time choosing a favorite food, but I really love salads. I also love general tsos chicken and fajitas. oooo, and tamales! I love food too.

Everyone loves my frog eye salad. Also I make a pretty good lasagna. Jim always asks for enchilada casserole.

What are the kids middle names?

Eden Joy (Joy is my middle name and my moms middle name.)
Honor James (James is Jim’s real name, it was our compromise as he wants SO bad to have a kid named Jim.)

Category: me 7 comments »

7 Responses to “Ask me some questions and I’ll try to tell you no lies”

  1. sarahgrace

    What is your ultimate goal for yourself?

  2. LeAnne

    What’s next on your knitting agenda and how big is your stash?

  3. LeAnne

    I have 860 yards of light pink Lamb’s Pride Cotton Fleece (I think it’s that) that I doubt I’ll ever do anything with. Do you want it for Eden?

  4. Ginger

    Here’s a question for you:
    How did you and Jim come up with your kids names?

    And another, since I’m greedy:
    How did Jim propose?

  5. KB

    What’s your favorite thing to eat for dinner? Or if you don’t have one maybe just a few of your favorite foods?
    Do you have a specialty meal that you make, that people love?

    I love food, can you tell :)

  6. KB

    BTW the taco salad and 7up salad were both a big hit. Thanks :)

  7. Bee

    Since someone already asked about the kids names I don’t feel like I am prying as much, I hope you don’t mind if I ask what their middle names are?

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