
I never watch the news, so I didn’t know until I talked to my mom yesterday that the town my uncle, aunt and cousins live in was hit by a tornado on Friday. Thank God they are ok, although their home and vehicle were damaged. Luckily they were not home when the tornado hit, which damaged their roof and ripped off the deck that my uncle had just finished painting.

These are the things that are a reality check slap in the face. There are people who do not have a place to sleep tonight. Kind of puts life into perspective. I am grateful for life today, for health, for food in the fridge, for a vehicle that works (even though punk kids stole the Honda emblems off it the other night!), for (a little bit of) money in my bank account, for a nice house with a nice yard, for great friends and for the family we have that cares.

It’s a good day.

Category: ouch 4 comments »

4 Responses to “Tornado”

  1. Joelene

    Yep, it is a good day. I too need a reminder to be thankful! So thanks for the reminder:)

  2. Elaine

    It’s so easy to get wrapped up in our own crap that we forget that it’s all small stuff. I am thankful for so much as well.


  3. Holli

    That is scary. As someone who grew up in Oklahoma, remembering tornados dropping out of the sky and destroying houses all around us on an almost monthly basis during certain times of the year.. I wonder how we survived.. and I know we are blessed.

  4. elizabeth

    thank God your family members are okay. i am deathly afraid of tornadoes which is why i dread this time of year.

    hugs to you and yours :)

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