The knitting class

So yesterday I taught my knitting class. I think it went pretty well. I had six students with varying degrees of expertise. A few of them didn’t know know to cast on. One didn’t realize that when you knit in the round, that you just keep going ’round and ’round, so she kept turning her work. Luckily we caught it after a few rows. One was an experienced grandma who was just enjoying spending her day at the yarn store. She left early because her thumb was going numb.

The class was two hours long. I think my biggest mistake was thinking that we’d finish the hat in two hours (even though I can finish one in one hour.) I have to go back on Saturday to show a few of them how to decrease and switch to DPN’s. The only person who totally finished her hat was a 10 year old girl. She was great, and amazing, I just told her what to do and she whipped it out. Isn’t that funny?

I had a really great time teaching, it’s really fun to hang out at the yarn store, being surrounded by so much yarn. Ahhhhh. Eden was so impressed that I was the teacher. She keeps asking me, “is there a school in the yarn store? And a desk?” I’m enjoying these moment’s while I can still impress my children, I know it won’t last.

Category: knitting 12 comments »

12 Responses to “The knitting class”

  1. sarahgrace

    Sounds like fun-what with all the new stuff coming out for fall and being all knit stuff- maybe I will take a class from you so I can make my own stuff. BTW, I wore my shrug yesterday and it came in really handy when it gets just a little to chilly in a restaurant, and you can fit it in your purse too!

  2. Sarah E.

    What a fun post! You know, my hands go numb, too after a bit of knitting. And I’m no where near Grandma’s age!

  3. alex

    Oh I wish I could take your class! I tried to make my nephew a hat…its sorta worked but…I just found your site. Its really great.

  4. Joelene

    Ha, you will impress your kids! You freaken impress me, with your skills. You at least figured out how to knit the right way and now you can teach it:)

  5. ordinary girl

    lol – i know what you mean – at this age they are in awe of us parents, and we get to tickle and hug and kiss to our heart’s content … but oh, how quickly that adolescence will approach! :)

  6. veelau

    I taught knitting for four years. It was great and very rewarding. I still teach on occasion. It helps to do a few classes and then you’ll get the timing down on how long you can spend on any one topic (caston, cast off etc.)

  7. Elaine

    Not a surprise that your 10yo student was the one who could do it. It seems we actually get stupider as we get older.

    Oh wait, you just had a birthday.

    That was wildly insensitive of me. Of course, I just had one too, so we can be stupid together. Weeeee!

    PS Happy Birthday!

  8. robin

    ack! back when i bartended a couple nights a week in town, my girls and i were out to bagels one day. a couple of college girls walked by and one said, loudly enough for us to hear, to her friend, ‘that girl makes the BEST drinks’. my kids were embarrassingly proud of me.

    well, honey, we all have to be good at SOMEthing…

    more milk?

  9. LeAnne

    I still didn’t mail your yarn (I’m sorry), but I’m organizing my house and the shed outside and it’s sitting here in the pile of three things to go to the post office. That’ll be next Thursday, cuz I’m leaving town for work in a few hours. I hope you had a fantastic birthday week!

  10. kelli

    Kids catch on so fast. My friends 7 year old daughter has taken up knitting and is just flying through projects. Thats so cool that your teaching a class. Enjoy it!

  11. kelli

    Kids catch on so fast. My friends 7 year old daughter has taken up knitting and is just flying through projects. Thats so cool that your teaching a class. Enjoy it!

  12. Daph

    Wow, that sounds like so much FUN! I really really wish our LYS wasn’t so snotty. I’d *love* to take a knitting class, but all the ladies are mean (since I crochet I must be the enemy, don’tcha know), plus it’s pretty far away.

    I bet you’re an awesome teacher! :)

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