About the Cars

Lately Honor has taken to dragging his cars everywhere. First he was keeping them in an old wipe box, and then my mom gave him a lime green bag to keep them in. The bag goes everywhere. He had quite the broken heart the other night when his daddy didn’t let him sleep with Every. Single. Car. He. Owns. He’s even taken to stashing some in his pillow case, on the off chance we don’t find them.

Really this is a good thing. We bought him most of these cars a year ago in hopes that we could find some sort of toy he’d play with. He sure plays with them now. Plus I told Jim to look on the bright side, at least he’s not wanting to sleep with Edens baby any more.

Category: Honor One comment »

One Response to “About the Cars”

  1. jessie

    maybe you could put a few cars on clips (like in the picture sunday thread this week). then you could clipp them along the top edge of his blanket while he sleeps. this way, he gets to sleep with cars without a big mess, or risk of rolling over them in his sleep, which i imagine wouldn’t be very comfy.

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