The big hair day

It’s Perfect!! There is a God!! (joking) Ok, here it is. The photo doesn’t do it justice, at all, and my camera batteries died. I’ll post better photos tomorrow, but if you click on this photo you can see the other two that I took before the camera died.

Today, at 11am, I am going to get my hair cut. I am so scared! But also determined. I will not let her cut my hair if I feel she won’t do a good job. I will not!

And since this week seems to be post pictures of myself week, here’s my hair before (not the best pic of me, but oh, well). I think I look a lot like my little sister with my hair being so long. Isn’t it long? It’s the longest it’s ever, ever been.

I’ll post pics of my new cut as soon as I’m back to a computer. Say a little prayer to the hair gods for me.

Category: hair 18 comments »

18 Responses to “The big hair day”

  1. Knitcore Nadia

    The hair before looks great. The long hair is very flattering to your face and is slimming. I can’t wait to see what you do to it since I thought that was an after shot already!

  2. alex

    I think it looks good now but can’t wait to see the after keeping my fingers crossed.

  3. sarahgrace

    I’ll “Say a little prayer for you…forever.. and…ever…la dee da.da..” Sorry, I’ve got that song stuck in my head now. Looking forward to seeing how it turns out…did you go to Fresh?

  4. artemis

    Dude, you are so pretty!

    Fluffy I know, but good luck with the haircut!

  5. Brooke

    So… it is now 12:30 ….. I’m anxiously awaiting the results!!!

  6. allisone

    You and me both Brooke! I’ve reloaded this page a BILLION times, and my fingers are cramping from trying to type with them crossed.
    I’m sure it will be fabulous!

  7. sarahgrace

    Looks good! Yeah! Happy Hair-do Day!

  8. LeAnne

    Very flattering! It makes you look like such the trendy hip mom that you are. Still planning on going to the post office later…cross your fingers!

  9. Elaine


  10. artemis

    So pretty!

  11. Brooke

    OH MY!!! YOU LOOK HOT!!!! I LOVE THE NEW DO!!! Now you just need to have the stylist sign a contract saying that they won’t ever leave to an area that is out of driving distance!!!

  12. Annejelynn


  13. jessie

    it looks fab!

  14. judy

    Looks good….SMILE, Allison!!

  15. elizabeth

    looks great!!!! i also luv that necklace :)

  16. Jill


  17. Rachylee

    I love the style. I need to find something to do with my hair. Let me know if you have any cute hairstyle ideas for oval faces.

  18. rachel

    yay haircut! i am forever in a cycle of grow it and then get fed up and chop it, but you look fab!

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