My (almost) two year old

Honor went to his two year check up yesterday. He’s getting so big. He weighed 24.5 lbs and was 35 inches long. I can’t believe that tomorrow is his second birthday. He has changed so much in the last year.

Well, maybe not that much…

We’ve been through quite a lot in the past year, trips to the hospital, countless items thrown in and recovered from the the toilet, lots and lots of cereal poured all over the floor.

I think Jim said it best, “We’ve already been through the terrible ones, what could be next?”

But whatever is next, we’ll get through it. And we’ll love it, because whatever he brings, it’s easier to deal with when we look at his crooked smile and chubby cheeks and hear him whisper back, “I. Wove. You.”

Category: Honor 6 comments »

6 Responses to “My (almost) two year old”

  1. alex

    oh my so cute don’t they just melt your heart!. You look fabulous by the way. Can we see the hair..???

  2. Elaine

    Happy (almost) Birthday to the mighty Honor! May he have worked through his two’s in this last year of ER and mess and have a year full of silliness and be utterly blessed!

  3. angela

    Aww he used to be so leeeeeeetle. That bottom pic of you two is sweet.

  4. Jill

    OH SO SWEET. Happy B-Day Honor!

  5. elizabeth

    happy, happy bday honor!!!! two’s with mikey were a breeze…now bella on the other hand…lol. good luck :)

  6. sarahgrace

    AAAaaaaw! So touching. Sniff Sniff.

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