Ah, to be young again… when you know that “because” is a great answer for anything.

Friday I made banana muffins for breakfast, after we all ate, there were 5 muffins left sitting on the stove.
Later that afternoon the kids were playing outside with the dog (I think you see where this is going). Awhile later Honor came in from outside to tell me, “Dog. Ate. My. Muffin.”

Little did he tell me that the dog ate ALL of the muffins. Now I wonder how the dog could have climbed up onto the stove and ate all the muffing?

So Saturday morning when we were thinking about breakfast I said, “We could be having muffins for breakfast if Honor wouldn’t have fed them all to the dog.”

And Honor said, “Dog. Ate. My. Food.” I asked him why the dog ate his food, “Betause.”

Category: Honor 3 comments »

3 Responses to “Ah, to be young again… when you know that “because” is a great answer for anything.”

  1. sarahgrace

    You know, it IS still okay for us to use that answer…. we just usually follow it with- because…. I SAID SO!

  2. Elaine

    Our dog gets into all sorts of toddler aided trouble around here as well. Ah to be young and insane.

  3. trudie

    hehehe. that reminds me of the time my mom bbq’d us some ribs and left them out on the back of the stove wrapped up in foil for us to eat for dinner. when we got back from my dance class with the babysitter, my mom’s white kitchen and our dalmatian were both COVERED in the red sauce. the dog really did eat our dinner– two whole racks of ribs!

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