
Eden: “Hey, why did you put your flower sheets on, where are your blue sheets?”
Me: “I changed them because the blue sheets were dirty.”
Eden: “‘Cause Daddy peed on the blue sheets?”

Me: “Eden tell Grammy what happens when little kids go into the liquor store.”
Eden: “They go to jail.”
Me: “And what happens in jail.”
Eden: “They get knocked up.”
I very quickly add, “She means LOCKED up.”

Upon realizing that the kids are very quiet, Jim goes to investigate. He finds both of them sitting side by side on their bedroom floor. “What are you doing?”
Eden: “We’re watching Cinderella, it’s just pretend.”

Category: Eden, quote of the week 9 comments »

9 Responses to “Conversations”

  1. Joelene

    It’s just pretend, ya know. Because otherwise we would be driving around in pumpkins.

  2. sarahgrace

    So what was Grammys response to you get “Knocked up.” ? LOL!

  3. LeAnne

    I am LAUGHING!!!!!!! The Cinderella one ‘specially.

  4. loo

    Was the Cinderella just one big hint?

  5. Sarah E.

    Oh, gosh, your kids crack me up!

  6. Lucimama

    Thanks for the laughs.

    I just e-mailed you, and when you read it, you’ll see why I’m particularly enjoying the laughs right now.

  7. kb

    Oh I’m cracking up about daddy peeing on the sheets. LOL

  8. Elaine

    She better not fall asleep near me when I visit becuase I’m a gonna eat her up!

  9. Annejelynn

    oh my goodness – I love the very last one, although the first two are equally lovable – totally adorable, end of story

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