Honor just spent 30 minutes crying because the banana that he had half eaten wasn’t big anymore. Two year olds can be so unreasonable. After that he decided that he wanted a “sammich” with “matos” and knowing that he wouldn’t eat the bread, I just gave him the meat. When he finally stopped crying long enough to taste his meat, he accidentally tore it. And that sent him into a new wave of hysterics.

It took me five minutes to convince him that having his meat in a nice little roll was cool. Then he discovered that it was really fun to unroll. Guess how many times I rolled up that piece of turkey?

Today is going to be a great day, I can feel it.

Category: Honor 14 comments »

14 Responses to “WAHHHHHH”

  1. LeAnne

    Oh my. FUNNY. People who don’t have kids (i.e. my brother) never understand why they make food into shapes, like the goldfish crackers. It’s for the TWO YEAR OLDS, PEOPLE!!!

  2. Brooke

    If you hadn’t said “Honor” my family may have mistaken it for ME! That is how I felt on Tuesday, just nothing seemed right in my world! So my complete sympathy towards your little guy! And I am sure my family sends their complete sympathy to you and the rest of the people in your home!!!

  3. Elaine

    I’m enjoying the “I can’t hear you” stage of 2yo-ness. I *think* we may be past the trauma stage, but I may just be dreaming here. Good luck, girl!

  4. loo

    aw! Poor Honor! (and poor you, of course!)

  5. Sarah E.

    You know, I get that way when I’m pregnant.

    Peter is REALLY looking forward to the baby coming, let me tell you!

    And when Thomas gets like that I just look at him and say, “Now, dear, don’t be such a prima donna.” If I’m in a bad mood, he gets the PG-13 version.

  6. Kari

    If it helps, Cade, who is 6, still does the same things. haha Allison, it’s not over at 3. =) But remember, boys aren’t all that bad. =)

  7. Kari

    And I don’t mean that boys aren’t all that bad as Honor….that sounded wrong. Must be the preggo brain. =)

  8. elizabeth

    girl, i feel your pain!!! i am going thru this BIG time with bella (and sometimes still with mikey). when bella wants something, it has to be an exact way or not at all.

    unfortunately, i don’t think there is anything we can do about this :(

  9. Carol

    I too am the mother of a child who must have the peanut butter ON TOP of the sandwich. And a million variations thereof. The child just turned 4 and I wish I could say that things have improved since he was 2. The good news is that now that he is older he DOES understand reasoning whereas when he was 2 he didn’t.

    Good luck finding a gazillion creative ways to convince Honor of things! :)

  10. Candice

    hahaha he sounds like a great (albeit challenging for mom?) little guy!

  11. Candice

    He takes pride in the little things. That’s cool.

  12. kb

    we’re living parellel lives I tell you.

  13. sarahgrace

    Four little words: “…because I said so…”

  14. trudie

    can you imagine if us ‘adults’ got upset about such things? my four year old is very particular about how he wants certain things, and we have days like this often!

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