Happy Thanksgiving!

The turkey is roasting away, filling the house with an intoxicating aroma. The stock for the gravy is simmering on the stove, and the bread is starting to rise. I wanted to take a minute away from my preparation to say how thankful I am for life today. God has truly blessed me with many wonderful things, including people who love me.

I am so thankful today for my friends, on the internet and in real life (and so thankful that some of my internet friends are my real life friends too!) You have all impacted my life in ways I cannot say. I have cherished every minute of my “internet life”, every friendship I have formed, every lesson I have learned. I think I have become a better person because of it, and for that I am abundantly, forever thankful.

Have a very happy Thanksgiving.

Category: holidays 4 comments »

4 Responses to “Happy Thanksgiving!”

  1. Mama C-ta

    That was sweet, sounds like you enjoyed your day!!

  2. jo

    What a wonderful post! We truly do have so much to be thankful for!
    miss ya

  3. alex

    Beautiful things to be thankful for. Spots of Sunshine in the landscape

  4. kelli

    We had a great day! Hope you did too!!!

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