losing it

(I hesitate to write this because I know that when my mom reads it she’ll yell a big “HA!” at her computer. But in my defense, I have never driven past the turn for my house.)

I have a theory. As parents, I think our brains are so trained to be interrupted that we get to the point that we can’t finish a thought. Because, seriously, even when my children aren’t around, I can’t think! It’s amazingly scary. I used to be SO on the ball, and now I get distracted so easily. I read somewhere that once you become a parent that you lose IQ points. I think it’s true.

Please tell me that I’m not the only one out there working with a brain that can’t finish a thought?

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10 Responses to “losing it”

  1. alex

    I wish I had the excuse of kids! :)

  2. loo

    huh? I mean, I read the first sentence but then….

  3. Elaine


  4. persephone

    Yes, thats why I stand outside yelling at my dogs, “Caleb, get inside. Quit digging up the yard”

  5. LeAnne

    Honey, it doesn’t ever stop. I’m so A.D.D. now after nearly 15 years that I wonder if I’ll ever be cured! :-))

  6. allisone

    Most of the time I can finish a thought, but then it is rapidly followed by a thought that had nothing to do with the first thought. My kiddo is older though – maybe I’m just getting better?

  7. cher

    Yes, there will be “better” years as the kids get older. After that come the pre-senior moments. Around our house we sometimes play charades and password gestures just get the thoughts out. It goes like this,
    Mom: Will someone please put, um, round, flat, rhymes with late, you have to wash them after dinner,
    Kids: PLATES!
    Mom: Will someone please put the plates on the table?
    This stage starts a few years after you get over calling the siblings by each other’s names and after you have called them the pet names and the names of your own siblings.

  8. Kari

    Just when I started to be able to think again, I went and got knocked up. haha

    I don’t think they ever stop interrupting your thoughts. But that’s why you love them so much. When they’re not around, they still interrupt cuz you secretly miss ‘em. =)

  9. Candice

    My sister told me last night that I was pausing so much in my speaking to her that she was going to freak out if I didn’t quit. She said, “It makes me want to bang my head in the wall”
    I told her I was thinking. It takes time. Seriously though, I AM getting slower. I can’t even have a conversation anymore?!

  10. Scout

    I tell anyone who’ll listen that with each kid my brains fell out of my vagina.

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