
• I’m working on a baby sweater pattern for the store, so I’ve been checking out other baby sweaters. Isn’t this one cute?

•This morning I told Eden that she was going over to her friends house to play and I asked her, “Is (name) your buddy?” and she said, “No, buddies are the soap on TV. I want the pink one and Honor should have the yellow one.”

• I’m having a large amount of regret for taking expired Sudafed, it’s only moderately working and I can’t take more for 3 more hours. My ears are so stuffy I can’t really hear.

• Jim and I are having a debate on who we think the hottest Friend is. He thinks Phoebe and I think Rachel. Who do you think?

Category: random monday 9 comments »

9 Responses to “random”

  1. Jill

    Rachel without a doubt! Then Monica then Phoebe.

  2. allisone

    I think that Monica’s apartment is the real hottie. Wow, have you guys checked out real estate in Manhattan lately???

    (Rachel is much hotter than Phoebe.)

  3. Sarah

    You know, Monica is waaaaaaaay too high maintaince for me. Phoebe is cute and all, but I don’t get into the flakiness thing. Maybe I’m more of a Ross girl. I like the nerds.

    Anyway, I loved that sweater you linked to. I’m disappointed not to be able to get the pattern. I’ve been looking for a pattern for a baby sweater for Anna that is just like that, but in a bulky guage–3 1/2 stitches to the inch. If you find a nice raglan sleeve pattern with that guage, let me know!

  4. anne

    i really don’t like rachel. i might be the only one in the entire world to not like jennifer aniston, but there i go. i said it! i think she has a manly jaw, and her features aren’t that attractive.

    (this is ghostsintheradio from g* by the way, i’m finally getting around to commenting and this time will not be my last! yay for unlurking.)

  5. Kari

    A baby sweater eh….hmmm….;)

    I’d have to go with Rachel!

  6. sarahgrace

    Okay, Rachel is hotter than Phoebe. And I’m totally confused by Eden’s buddie comment, but I think that was the point. And the baby and the sweater are too cute! And, yeah, get some new Sudafed…I’m not doing so hot myself…ick.

  7. Merededeux

    I get the buddy comment! That sweater is cute. Ambitious for me, but cute. I think Monica is the cutest, but her uptightedness would get on my nerves.

  8. Heather

    I am a super beginner knitter, I have only done scarves. Can you recommend a simple baby sweater pattern for me to try out?

    BTW, Rachel is the hottie! : )

  9. Heidi

    SOOOOOOOOOOO Rachel, she is hot no matter what she does, says, wheres. Monica is second.. I dont think Phoebe is hot I think she is sexy, which to me is differant than hot. dont know about anyone else’s descriptions of the words! LOL :)

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