Customer Service, Part 2 or the Entire post where I go on and on about my television, because I have priorities

We have our DVR. Did Bresnan call us to say, “Hi your DVR is in, we’ll have a technician out to install it at our earliest convenience.”? No. Did they call to say, “Your DVR is in, come pick it up?” No. Did I call to get a huge run around to finally find out they’re in? Yes.

We just got back from spending 45 minutes at the local office trying to sort everything out. Trust me it was quite a mess. When we finally got our DVR, there was something on our account that they couldn’t fix that would cause it to not work. So with guarantees that they’d fix it, we were given some free Pay-Per-View coupons and sent on our way. We got two coupons. We can only use one a month and the expire March 31, 2006. Thanks Bresnan Communications. All I have to say is that if I can’t watch Battlestar Gallactica tonight, my last fit is going to be nothing compared to the wrath I’m going to unleash.

Category: daily 5 comments »

5 Responses to “Customer Service, Part 2 or the Entire post where I go on and on about my television, because I have priorities”

  1. elizabeth

    to they gave you 2 coupons to use by the end of this month and you can only use 1 a month???

    not that i’m glad that this happened to you, but i’m glad to see that other people get pooped on as much as we do.

    i think customer service has gone to the toilet.

    hope you get to watch battlestar tonight :)

  2. Cindy

    Sounds like every other dealing I have ever had with Bresnan. I could write a book….

  3. Candice

    I am in the dark. Don’t know what Bresnan is, nor DVR, nor Battlestar Galactica. My house must be technilogically in the dark ages.

  4. carrie

    Okay, I would pitch a huge fit if I couldn’t watch Battlestar. That is absolutely my favorite show on TV, and I record a lot of tv on our DVRs. Yes that would be DVRs plural. How did we ever live without the DVR?

    And yeah, we moved in July and nothing was installed on time including Gas, Water, Telephone, Internet, Directv. So I got to experience all of the bad customer service available in our area. The worst was when the Phone company guy couldn’t hear me on my cell (Yet more bad service from the AT&T switchover) and asked me to call him from my land line, which I irately explained I couldn’t do because the installer never showed up, hence why I was calling. Right then, I had hit my breaking point.

    Anyway the point is, I feel your frustration.

  5. rachel

    whats a dvr? i am being english and thick?

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