prayer shawl

Yesterday was a crazy day. I was all over the place, taking my mom to lunch and shopping for her birthday with my sister and visiting a friends new dog. Honor broke out in hives because of the dog’s saliva, so I had to rush to Rite Aid to get some Benadryl. (Can you believe that the liquid Benadryl didn’t come with a medicine cup? So I ran back into the store and asked the pharmacist for one of their medicine spoons – generally they are free. I ran out to the car, tore into the spoon and realized that it had a bar code on the back. I think I may have stole from Rite Aid. I was just worried about Honor having a severe reaction and wanted to get that medicine into him as quickly as possible.) I also faux worked at the office, mostly just catching up on some correspondence. Dropped Jim off at the church where he plays the guitar sometimes, went back to the office to work on the labels for my lip balm. Picked Jim up and drove to pick up our kids from a friends house, wonderful friends who fed us spaghetti.

In my crazy life of driving all over town, teaching knitting classes and preventing Honor from cutting his own avacado, I’ve managed to finish a few things:

Last week a woman I knew lost her 1 year old son. It still chokes me up to think about it. I am amazed at how strong she is. I can’t imagine the incredible pain of losing a child, something that, I’m sure, is inconsolable. But I wanted to do something for her, and the only thing I know how to do is knit. Several customers have come into the store to purchase materials to make a prayer shawl and it seemed like a beautiful idea for me to use.

This is the shawl I made.

prayer shawl for AmandaJ

It’s made from two different Hanah Silk hand-dyed ribbons, two different eyelash yarns and Trendsetter Dune. It’s really an amazing shawl. Probably the hardest part of making it was keeping all the different ribbons and yarns from getting tangled up as I carried them along the edge.

I’m also still working on some models for the store, one of which is blocking at the moment, but here’s a sneak peek.

a glimpse of something to come

And I’m sending this lip balm out today. One of my grandma’s friends orders 24 tubes from me at a time. I need to work on my labeling, but it will come along.

lip blam

I keep thinking that maybe life will slow down, but, in reality, I think I like it this way. It’s good to be busy. It’s good for life to be full and active and sort of crazy. I just may need to hire a housekeeper.

Category: knitting 11 comments »

11 Responses to “prayer shawl”

  1. loo

    That shawl is lovely.

  2. Jill

    Prayers for your friend… I can’t imagine her pain. What a beautiful shawl.

  3. Dawn

    The shawl for Amanda is stunning. You did a wonderful job and the thought behind it will comfort her – I’m sure.

  4. sarahgrace

    The shawl is beautiful Allison. Very nice.

  5. Candice

    Beautiful shawl! Love the knitting ( I love cables) and I need to order some lip balm from you sometime.

  6. Pip

    Everything is beautiful. I usually cringe a little bit with church related labors, but what a beautiful idea. Simple and just lovely.

  7. Angela

    The shawl you made for Amanda is gorgeous – she will love it an appreciate the love you put in to it, I’m sure. I have been so sad over Max’s death.

  8. Scout

    HOw sad about the baby. I can’t imagine.

    Everyone loves your bag…..did you see?

  9. mamafrog

    AMEN to the housekeeper! it’s been one of those kinds of weeks around here, too.

    the shawl is beautiful. and very thoughtful as well. i love the colors. everything looks so awesome. i would totally take a knitting class from you! stitch ‘n bitch will have to do for now… :)

  10. Mel

    That shawl is amazing. I actually said out loud “Wow…That’s so pretty!!” when I saw the photo. It’s a beautiful gift, and I’m sure it will help comfort her.

  11. super_luminal

    She’ll love it. What a thoughtful and appropriate gift.

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