cabled stocking

So here it is, a very big sock that sometimes people put gifts in around the end of December.

cabled stocking

This was really my first experience with extensive chart reading and I’m quite proud of my efforts. (As if you couldn’t tell by the 50 million photos I’ve taken.)

cabled stocking

The yarn is Cascade 109, I used 2 skeins of the main color and then just a little of one for the contrasting color. I love this yarn! It is so soft for 100% wool, and it’s not even merino.

the back
back of the stocking

The pattern is from Hand Knit Holidays. I have to say, even though we don’t celebrate Christmas, I LOVE this book. There are so many patterns in the book that aren’t holiday oriented and there’s even a hanukkah pillow (that I would never use, but STILL.)

Now lets show some love for this heel. I have to say, this is a nice heel.
the heel

Knitting this was really fun for me. This is why I love knitting for the store, I want to knit everything, but I don’t necessarily like or would use everything. I’ve noticed that I’m starting to be more about the process than the product. When I was taking art classes in HS, my teacher would always give me a hard time that everything I made HAD to be functional. I couldn’t just sculpt a piece for the artistic value of it, it had to have a purpose. I still maybe knit for a purpose, but I am beginning to enjoy the artistic value of it more.

(And in very good, unrelated news, the scarf swap scarves are done and will be heading out tomorrow. Pics will come.)

Category: knitting 10 comments »

10 Responses to “cabled stocking”

  1. Kari

    I deeply admire your knitting although I have never attempted to take it on. I find it odd that I actually read your days about knitting and even read what type of yarn you used, pretending I know what you’re talking about. =) Maybe I just need to have this baby so I can keep a bit busier. =)

  2. Elaine

    That is beautiful work! I really love it. I just finished my first scarf (photos to come) and am half way through my second. I live in SoCal and summer is coming! When will I wear these things? But yeah, sometimes it’s about the process.

  3. sarahgrace

    Looks great Allie! I don’t know if I will ever get to that level with my knitting, it looks so dern complicated.

  4. allisone

    That is one seriously good looking stocking.

    I was tempted for a moment to knit some of my own, then I started counting all the people in my family that would want one ….

  5. Sarah

    I saw that book when it came out last year and I thought it looked great. I especially liked that stocking and the ornaments as well. Your knitting looks great!

  6. Tish

    The stocking is gorgeous. You did a great job. I actually used to get in huge fights with my art professors about my desire to make functional art. It was one of the reasons I left the art department. Anyway, it’s lovely, and I’m really glad and a tad bit jealous that you found a way to knit what you want even if it isn’t useful to you. Congratulations.
    I just realized that sounded bitter, but it totally isn’t.

  7. tatjana

    that’s really lovely. i’ve seen a few projects around that i’ve really liked from that book, i think i’m definitely going to have to pick it up. and yes, that’s a fabulous heel :)

  8. super_luminal

    Beautiful! Every year around November I tell myself that I’m gonna make Christmas stockings (I’ve never thought to knit them, but since I can’t get through a single sock…) but I never seem to get around to it. Maybe I’m going about it wrong and need to start in March!

  9. Ginny

    Hey Allison,
    I totally agree with you about learning new processes as a result of being around all of those great projects. I find myself wanting to try colorwork and patterns that I never would have looked at before, but now the challenge of learning them is so much more appealing. Your stocking looks really great! I can’t wait to see what’s next.

  10. birdoncetold

    That is a beautiful stocking. The one time I tried to knit one the heel was…well, I don’t want to remember it really, but it was awful. Your heel is beautiful, though. And the cable work, a dream.

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