Baby bolero

I’ve just been cranking out the knitting projects. And I’m trying not to be distressed that my right wrist has really been bothering me. I’m typing right now with a brace on. Yikes! But I managed to get this baby bolero done. The pattern is from One Skein, and while I love the design, I’m not thrilled with the assembly. There’s just so many seams for such a teeny little thing. So this is what I did:

•For the shoulder seams, I did the 3 needle bind off.
•For the sleeves, rather than setting in the sleeves, I picked up stitches around the arm hole and worked the sleeve backwards down the arm.
•I also worked 3 rows of ribbing around the body to match the sleeves rather than 2 like the pattern says.
•I also used GGH Samoa – 2 balls.

That’s it! It’s still cute, if I do say so myself!

baby bolero

back detail
baby bolero back detail

Category: knitting 5 comments »

5 Responses to “Baby bolero”

  1. Sarah

    AHHHHH! I saw the One Skein book at my LYS. I had the baby with me so I only had an oppertunity to page through it, but I”ve been wanting it ever since. On it doesn’t come out until April.

    The baby balero is one of the patterns I was interested in. Why don’t they make these things with raglan sleeves? I do not understand the facination with set in sleeves for baby and children’s clothes. They are so small that I think the raglan give them a better fit.

    What were your impressions of the other patterns in the book? I rarely buy whole knitting books, so I would be interested in hearing what you have to say.

  2. Daph

    Wow, that is gorgeous! I really love it, and the color is too precious. I didn’t know there was a One Skein book. You know, you should put together a list of books/cool patterns so that newbies like me know where to go to find them. Like, the One Skein book, the Last Minute Knitted gifts, etc. I look to you for all things cool when it comes to knitting (and other stuff of course!) LOL.

  3. Ginny

    Very nice! Don’t worry about your wrist, I think that happens to all of us if we knit more than usual. Just make sure that you take some breaks every now and then and do some stretching.

  4. Jill

    Too cute!

  5. Lara

    Funny…I made all the same alterations… though I might have gone crazy for all those seams!

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