
My hand has really been bothering me, so I’m going to try my hardest to keep myself from typing AND knitting. I’m not sure if I can avoid either, but I’m gonna try. I’ll still be around if anyone needs me.

Category: daily 6 comments »

6 Responses to “grounded”

  1. Cher

    Rest, my dear, rest those ligaments!
    I will not suggest a knitting machine; but, do you have a headset with which to talk to your computer so it writes for you?
    The males of my household love to write papers this way. Alas, I am so control oriented I typed college papers for 3 classes with one hand (due to a broken finger on the left).

  2. Tish

    Rest! I actually had a similar problem and it took a couple weeks to recover, but I can’t imagine how bad it would be if I didn’t. You can use the time to do other crafty things and redevelop the muslces that don’t get as muh use in your hands, which is part of the problem. But take it easy senorita, frankly, you deserve it.

  3. Kari

    We all NEED you =)

  4. kat

    this is why i find it helpful to be able to do crochet and also continental sytle knitting. when the left one hurts i crochet. when the right one hurts i knit. it’s all good.

    i do hope you feel better. btw, i gave you a craftster “shout-out” if you will on craftster. good luck.

  5. Mama C-ta

    Oh no I would go crazy w/out my hand! Hope the rest does it well.

  6. Sarah

    I hope the rest will give your hands time to heal. When I was pregnant I had the worst pain in my hands.

    I have to say that I’ll miss you while you’re on hiatus.

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