
Since I can’t type, you can enjoy some photos of Eden. (My wrist is starting to feel better though!)

can she do it? Yes she can!

banana time

mid chew


Category: daily 7 comments »

7 Responses to “banana-ramma”

  1. Scout

    Awww! Cute!

  2. Jill

    Wow, her hair is really starting to grow!

  3. Merededeux

    She’s gorgeous. Love the last picture.

  4. mamafrog

    AWWW! They are all adorable, but I just love the brute force in the first one. I can almost hear her grunting!

    Hey–I’m finally learning to knit. I’ve made a few little swatches so far, and am trying to find a good first project, aside from a dishcloth! Any suggestions? I’m also curious as to what method you use to cast on…

  5. Pip

    I love her haircut!

  6. Kari

    What is that? A smile?? =)

  7. Cher

    What a trooper! You continue to post even though you can’t type!
    Glad you are getting better. Rest just a little longer please, for maximum hand health. Feel free to give yourself lots of TLC!

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