until then

I have something special for tomorrow, but until then, guess what I won? A nano! Isn’t blingo the bestest ever? If you haven’t signed up, DO IT!!! I’ve won 11 prizes since I started using it, including 2 Visa gift cards, movie tickets, free itunes and now my ipod Nano!


Category: Uncategorized 7 comments »

7 Responses to “until then”

  1. Elaine

    You must be crazy lucky bc I have yet to win a single thing.

    Looking forward to tomorrow!

  2. joelene

    I hate you

    (my boss is here, but I love you)

  3. Tish

    Dude, I’m totally jealous. I haven’t won since those movie tickets. That’s awesome.

  4. Jill


  5. Cindy

    Okay, I KNOW I’m old…what IS Blingo?

  6. loo

    seriously, do you have to pay anything at all?

  7. mamafrog

    loo–no, you don’t have to pay for anything! i’ve won two movie tickets recently, and since i signed up under allison, she won stuff too! i chose the movie tickets because it’s been FOREVER since my hubby and i have been to a real movie together. allison’s definitely the luckiest, though!

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