hacked and back

I’m hoping that it was fixed so quickly that no one noticed that my website got hacked this morning. But if you did, don’t worry, I’m back and have worked out all the kinks (I think) with changing up all the passwords. Thankfully, nothing was lost.

Honor visited his Orthapedic doctor today. She was really happy with the way he walked in his brace and told us to keep up what we’re doing. It was good to know that it’s working, and he’s really at the point where he doesn’t even fight getting it put on anymore.

Yesterday I went back to the dentist. My tooth gave me a short reprieve over the weekend but then started hurting again on Sunday. My suspicion that it was still infected was confirmed by another x-ray. The dentist started me on another type of antibiotic in hopes that I can save the tooth. I’m trying very hard to remain positive about it, but it’s been pretty easy to be depressed about the whole thing. I can try to have surgery on it if the infection doesn’t go away, but that’s still no guarantee that the tooth will make it. Boo. But that’s right, I’m thinking positive, being negative won’t do any good. At least I’ve still got a stock of Vicodin… right?

I whipped up the second wristlet over the last couple of evenings. I’m teaching this on Saturday and just writing up the pattern today. The pattern is loosely inspired by a couple other wristlet patterns out there. I actually really ended up liking these. And what’s better than pima cotton and silk? Not much, I say.

cabled wristlets

Category: knitting 10 comments »

10 Responses to “hacked and back”

  1. Merededeux

    That wristlet is supercute. Is it knitted with straight needles and then sewn together? I can test that.

  2. Sarah R.

    I’d be interested in testing the pattern if it’s knit in the round. What can I say? I’m sewing phobic. Not that there’s much sewing here but if it isn’t sewing on a machine, I’m not a fan no matter how little of it there is.

  3. knitwitless

    I like I like! I’d be happy to test the pattern. I have some time off work so I plan on knitting up a storm this week!

  4. Jasmine

    Would it have to be made from a specific yarn or could it be made from anything as long as it’s suitable to the pattern?

  5. Elaine

    Sorry about the tooth and the hacking… at least the tooth didn’t get hacked. I hope your poor mouth gets some rest from all this dentist time VERY SOON!

    And I won’t test the pattern ’cause I’m SO not ready. ;)

  6. Whimspiration

    That wristlet is adorable!

    As for your tooth, if you are still having trouble with the pain, get an “airplane” bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey. Fill the cap with the whiskey and hold it the liquid over your tooth (make a pocket in your mouth for it to stay in) until the gums in the area start to go numb (stop the burny-tingly feeling). I’ve known this to cure the pain from an exposed nerve in a tooth for up to 6 hours at a time. If the tooth is on the top of your head, you may have to do some maneuvering to get it to sit there for the 30 seconds or so it needs to work, but it’s SO worth the trouble. (drink or spit out the liquor after use, per your preference. The fact that it’s liquid makes it work better than the gelles because it flows into all the crevases easier. Heck, if the infection is clos enough to the surface, maybe it will even help to disenfect it and speed the healing process?

    I wish you and your tooth the best :D

  7. nichola

    Gorgeous wristlet! Definately something i’d wear.

  8. mamafrog

    have i told you how much i love your ring? LOVE it!!!

    I’m sorry to hear about your tooth still bothering you. OUCH! I just couldn’t imagine….

  9. Angela

    That wristlet is lovely!

  10. krista

    The wristlet is wicked! I totally want to make one now. Grr.

    It’s a knitty pattern right?

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