Emergency Sock Help

I started the Cabled Footies from One Skein on Sunday. And have subsequently ripped it out more times than I care to admit. I completely finished one sock and decided that the ankle was too short for my comfort. I’m not a big fan of ankle socks and I should have listened to my inner knitting voice when I started these socks and went ahead and made them longer.

My second try, I decided that I’d rather work a short row heel rather than a heel flap. I’m not too big a fan of a heel flap, I’ve decided. (This may be due to all the peer pressure I’ve received from my good friend, Joelene.) I’m determined to get the short row heel perfect. I’ve even had to call in some Emergency Sock Help from Joelene. Anyway, I think I’m on try 4? now. But I think I’ve got it figured out. I’m determined that I’m not going to let these socks get the best of me. They are going to be perfect!

Here they are in the book, pretty cute eh? I have a feeling that I’m making them harder than they should be.

One Skein Cabled Footies

Category: knitting 2 comments »

2 Responses to “Emergency Sock Help”

  1. LeAnne

    You are making it too hard dude! The footies end up SOOOO cute when you are done that you’ll want another pair right away. Plus, WORSTED? How much worsted is always just around…there…in your stash!? Tons! If I were you, I would just make the ankle part 4-5 inches long and *do* the heel flap. The heel flap on these, since you’ll be mostly wearing them without shoes, will give you longer wear, I think…just my opinion. What color are you doing?

  2. Daph

    Those are so cute! I hate short rows, simply because I cannot, for the LIFE of me, make the wraps invisible, no matter how hard I try, LOL. I can’t wait to see them when you’re finished, I bet they’ll be soooo cute! :)

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