
Yesterday, on a whim, we decided to hop in the car and drive to Ouray, CO. Jim had the day off and we thought it would be fun. When we were already on the road it occurred to us that we should call a head and make sure the hot springs pool was open. After two phone calls to Verizon 411, they still couldn’t find the number. Seriously, it’s 411 and they can’t find the number?

So we stopped in the next town, about half way there, to look up the number. The pool was closed. So, this isn’t the first time this has happened to us. Two years ago we drove all the way there to find the pool closed for cleaning. Yep, you’d think we’d learn. (The thing that’s driving me insane is that I blogged that trip, with some really cute pictures and the post is gone.)

So you can see, all that worthless driving time (and the 2 hour Alias) gave me time to finish my sock. And it’s a beauty if I do say so myself. Now I just have to finish the other one.

one cabled footie

Category: daily 5 comments »

5 Responses to “ta-da!”

  1. Nora

    That sock looks amazing!! I have always wanted to leanr how to knit. Where do you teach? I live here in GJ and would love to take lessons! By the way, I love reading your blogs. I am glad I happened upon them the other day. It promped me to start my own and I have found that it is not only a great way for the long distance friends/family to find out whats going on with us, but it is also relaxing to just type away!!

  2. Merededeux

    That sock is amazing!

  3. Elaine

    Dude, didn’t we have a whole big thing with finding the phone number when I was there? Put it in your phone already!

    Sorry it didn’t work out for you, but the sock rocks. And I am shamelessly in love with Alias.

  4. Daph

    Totally sucks about the trip, but the sock rocks! I really love the blue color, it’s gorgeous.

  5. Jasmine

    That is a very cute sock! I like that it’s short.

    I finished one of those wristlets and am almost done the second one. I’ll email you photos and comments when I’m completely done. It’s a great pattern.


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