
Jim’s little birthday celebration was a success. We had a yummy meal and headed over to the mall for a movie. V for Vendetta wasn’t playing until 9:45 (of course) so we saw Failure to Launch, which I thought was hilarious. We had a little time before the movie started so we headed over to Target. It’s like we’re just pulled to Target when we’re at the mall, it’s the default, I suppose. This turned out to be pretty ironic because yesterday there was a small interview with me in the local paper about how we always end up at Target on date nights. funny.

Little Miss Eden got her ears pierced on Friday. I’ve been trying to talk her into getting them pierced for quite awhile so when she told me that she wanted them pierced, we went right to the mall to get them done. She looks cute, but won’t pose for a photo right now. So instead, I’ll leave you with some puppy shots.

tuck and daisy

tuck and daisy

running puppy

Category: daily 4 comments »

4 Responses to “Target”

  1. Jill

    Yea Eden!

  2. Kari

    Funny- we always end up at Target on date nights too. We went the other night with BOTH of the kids and that was very bizarre. Two kids is so much different than one, not in a bad way, just a different way. =) I read the paper but musta missed your interview darnit.

  3. sarahgrace

    Aaaaw! I wanna see the ears! I wanna see the ears! And the little interview in the paper : )!

  4. Carol

    Is that a BEAGLE puppy? So cute!

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